Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I have to say that summertime is the toughest time to be a cartoonist (in my opinion). In the winter it's easy to find time to sit down at your desk and whittle away at a character or two. I mean, it's cold and dark and usually very uninviting.

But Summer...oy! Summer is loaded with distractions. Granted, they're great distractions. But they ARE distractions none the less. Yesterday I took the girls to my mother's place on the Susquehanna river for the day. Great fun. Great weather. But the bad part is that I got home and was verging on physical exhaustion. So, as any old bum like myself would do, I sat down on the couch for a minute and didn't get off it til 2am. I suck.

Over the next couple weeks you'll see the return of an older character that seemed to disappear. Angus the Squirrel is coming back for his occasional follies with Jack and the rest of the group. I have to say, I really missed the little bugger. I'd been developing a new series in my head that reprises Jack's fantasy of being a pirate and it just wasn't the same without having Angus as his first mate. So you'll see him popping up from time to time. I'd really love to get your opinions on him at some point. Feel free to leave comments here or over on the forum

Hope you're all having a great week. Thanks for reading. And thanks to all of you who have been sending in e-mails of support and criticism. Keep 'em comin.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree man...and your hand sticks to the page too.
Loved the strip today!